Thank you very much for considering volunteering at St. Stephen's. We greatly appreciate the support we receive which makes a significant difference to the children, their learning and life in school. We welcome volunteers in school whether they are parents, members of the local community or individuals who want to work with children. Volunteers bring a range of experience and skills which benefits everyone in school.
Volunteers help in school in a number of ways including reading with children, baking, gardening and many other ways. If you wish to volunteer in school please contact the school office.
What do I need to do to volunteer?
Useful training
Useful training on safeguarding in school can be found at North Yorkshire Safeguarding Board. Courses are free and a useful course is Safeguarding Children in Education which can be accessed at the safeguarding training link.
Useful information
Safeguarding at St. Stephen's is very important and volunteers can play an important role in promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of children in school.
The following information will assist volunteers in understanding why safeguarding is important and how it is managed in school.
Current Volunteering Opportunities
We have limited availability for volunteers within school. Please contact the school office for more information.